Fostering Critical Discourse, Orienting Muslim Minds

The Centre for Critical Studies (CCS) is dedicated to critically examining and engaging with the dominant discourse and epistemological foundations of contemporary knowledge.

Who We Are

The Center for Critical Studies (CCS) is fundamentally committed to the critical examination and engagement with the dominant discourse and epistemological foundations of contemporary knowledge. CCS strives towards framing and developing Islamic paradigms and narratives across diverse academic disciplines, firmly grounded in the principles and wisdom emanating from Islamic Thought. Furthermore, CCS places special emphasis on nurturing the intellectual growth and epistemological guidance of emerging Muslim scholars and thinkers.

  • Critical Scrutiny

    Engaging with dominant discourse and epistemological foundations.

  • Rigorous Scholarship

    Promoting intellectual exploration and scholarly dialogue.

  • Islamic Paradigms

    Framing and developing Islamic narratives across academic disciplines.

  • Meaningful Impact

    haping discourse and promoting understanding of Islamic thought.

  • Grounded in Wisdom

    Principles and wisdom from Islamic Thought as a foundation.

  • Nurturing Scholars

    Emphasizing intellectual growth of emerging Muslim thinkers.


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Perspective on the philosophy of science

new arrivals

Discover the fascinating evolution of Science's impact on society and the complex relationship between Science and philosophy in "Perspective on the Philosophy of Science."

Read the review